Monday, January 22, 2007

Chapter 10 Working Class Rights

Chapter 10 Working Class Rights

Now that I am the owner of the means of production (profit making houses), I will have employees of my own. While my dedication will be to building a profit making company, I will always treat my wage-working employees, as I would want to be treated. This will make them want to work harder for me. Remember the law of karma. I will not only provide them with a decent wage, but affordable housing too. This will cut into my profits, but this is why I want to own my company. This is how I want to spend my profits, on employees and myself. Most of my employees will be friends of mine and I am going to treat them right.

I will not make profits off my employees. I will continue to fight for worker rights for as long as I live. I hope to build a working model for all capitalist and entrepreneurs with how to make business better by treating employees better. The employees are an extremely important part of my business because I cannot do every thing myself. And happy employees will be happy to work harder for me if I make them happy.

I believe that it is thinking like this that will bring my business into the coming age. I sense that the employers of the world are going to be overthrown someday because of their greed. It is only a matter of time before things begin to balance out. The greatest injustice of this system is that it has infiltrated the school systems. Schools teach us at a young age that this is the only way possible. They teach children that it is human nature to accept inequality and to accept that you have to struggle to survive in a world that is so plentiful in wealth. I intend to do something about it. I am going to start a business with a different perspective on the way that things should be.

I have much more to say about worker rights and the eventual revolution that will take place, but this book is about starting a business. I am forced to work with in this system while it still stands. It is not going to be easy and many people are going to say that I cannot do it. Other people will say that the corporations are here to stay and that there is nothing that can stop them. Well there is something that can stop them, the working class. The working class is the most powerful force on earth. They are the ones that do everything. Think of it like master and slaves. The slaves do all the work and the master gets all the reward. However, the master is nothing without the slaves, and the slaves are everything without the master.

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